Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Submarine Voyage - Metta Bhavana Meditatation

The Submarine Voyage - Metta Bhavana Meditatation album was designed to help you relax, meditate and cultivate love and kindness with soothing ambient music, underwater sounds and Alpha and Gamma Isochronic Tones + Binaural Beats. Metta means "love", friendliness, or kindness. It is an emotion, something you feel in your heart. Bhavana means development or cultivation.

Alpha brainwaves represent a state of relaxed mental awareness. You are in this mental state early in the morning, when your mind and body are relaxed or while daydreaming. This state enhances the sharpness of visualization techniques, and also makes the mind more receptive to affirmations. Gamma brainwaves are associated with increased sensory perception, compassion, happiness, higher mental activity and consolidation of information. People with high gamma activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace.

To Meditate is to look deeply and engage in contemplation or reflection. It's a mental exercise (as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness. The practice of Metta Bhavana has five stages. We cultivate Metta for:

Loved Ones
A neutral person — someone we don't have any strong feelings for
A difficult person — someone we have conflicts with
All sentient beings

You practice the Metta Bhavana Meditation in the stages. It's easy to cultivate lovingkindness for ourselves and for our loved ones and a bit more difficult to do this for people we don't know well. And it really difficult to cultivate lovingkindness for someone we're in conflict with. Lastly, we cultivate lovingkindness for everyone in the world: people from the four previous stages.


Listen on Spotify:

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