Sunday, August 7, 2016

Brown Noise Melodies

Music is a wonderful way for you to calm and soothe your baby. Sometimes parents say that there was nothing that they could do with their crying and fussing baby until they tried music. There are certain distinct sounds that have been proven to calm even fussy babies: the sounds of nature, white noise and some types of music. Even if your baby isn't fussing or crying you may want to use music to encourage that feeling of calmness and peacefulness.

The brown noise sound is similar to white noise sound but at a lower frequency. Examples in nature include waves on the beach and some wind noise. Brown noise sound is softer than white noise sound and can be great for sensitive babies.


Listen on Spotify:

Mother's Heartbeat

The Mother's Heartbeat album is designed to help fussy babies to sleep, soothe and relax. One of the strongest sounds that babies can hear while in the womb is the beating heart of their mother. It is a consistent sound that never stops. Once the baby is born, he are suddenly deprived of that familiar sound.

Often, when a baby begins to cry, the mother will hold her baby close to her chest. This provides the baby, once again, with the sound of the mother's beating heart giving her baby reassurance that it is in a safe environment. Mothers often do this when their babies wake up in the middle of the night and often times it will work in that it puts their child right back to sleep.


Listen on Spotify:

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Einstein's Mind

This album helps to speeds the brain up by stimulating the faster brainwave bands like Beta and SMR (Sensory Motor Rhytm).

Cognitive abilities are not static. Scores on IQ tests can fluctuate based on numerous factor like general health, stress levels, anxiety, conditions such as ADD or ADHD, sleep and more. One way to help you inncrease you IQ is to speed the brain up by stimulating it with faster brainwave bands like SMR and Beta. The resulting effects will be the increase of your focus, attention, emotional stability, memory and more. It may also help with depression, anxiety, autism and ADHD.

Stereo headphones are required.


Listen on Spotify: