Thursday, December 21, 2017

Brainwave Entrainment

The Brainwave Entrainment album is a set o pure Isochronic Tones designed to help you focus, relax and meditate. There are no background music that can be distracting for some people, just the pure sound of the tones.

Brainwave frequencies used:

1. Power Regenerator: 8Hz, 24Hz, 20Hz, 24Hz, 28Hz, 24Hz, 16Hz, 28HZ, 24Hz, 23Hz, 22Hz, 21Hz (Focus session)
2. Quick Refreshner: 8Hz, 16 Hz, 4Hz, 8Hz, 4Hz, 11Hz, 15 HZ  (Relaxation session)
3. Immersed In Meditation: 10Hz, 9 Hz, 8Hz, 4Hz, 8Hz, 4Hz, 8Hz, 15Hz (Meditation session)


Listen on Spotify:

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