Monday, December 11, 2017

Studying Music

The Studying Music album was designed to fill your brain with phrases to help you feel focused and confident while studying. It has soothing ambient music embedded with Alpha brainwave pulses.

Alpha brainwaves represent a state of relaxed mental awareness. You are in this mental state early in the morning, when your mind and body are relaxed or while daydreaming. This state enhances the sharpness of visualization techniques, and also makes the mind more receptive to affirmations.

Affirmations or incantations are one of the most powerful ways to change your life. They helps us to daily to condition our mind and beliefs and move towards our goals. The idea behind them is that if you repeatedly say an empowering phrase to yourself again and again, your mind will start to believe it. We belive that words have the power to change our lives. Let your thoughts become things!

Phrases included:

I remain focused and calm while I study
I never, ever, give up
I learn and remeber fast and easily
I have the power to learn and understand anything
I have a great memory
I feel confident about my ability to learn
I am cool and confident in exams
Every day I improve my ability to retain information
Ansewers como to me quickliy and easily
Learning is fun and easy for me


Listen on Spotify:

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