Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation
The Chakra Meditation album by Brainwave Binaural Systems has one hour of deep ambient music embedded with Theta Isochronic Tones tuned with the Solfeggio frequencies. These sound frequencies were used in ancient gregorian chants and their special tones were believed to transmit tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious rituals. Each solfeggio frequency is associated with a particular chakra, starting with the crown chakra (963 Hz) and going down like a staircase until it reaches the root chackra (396 hz):

Crown Chakra - 963hz (8 min)
3rd Eye Chakra - 852hz (8 min)
Throat Chakra - 741hz (8 min)
Heart Chakra - 639hz (8 min)
Solar Chakra - 528hz (8 min)
Sacral Chakra - 417hz (8 min)
Root Chakra - 396hz (12 min)

Theta Waves have been associated with states of enhanced creativity, learning, deep relaxation, daydreaming and sleep. Theta is also known as a highly suggestible state, where  affirmations and hypnosis are most effective. Some benefits of reaching the theta state may include healing, deep levels of relaxation, peak levels of creativity, learning and improved memory. Theta brainwaves are associated to inner guidance, visualization, intuition and dreams.

A great tool for deep relaxation, meditation and Yoga.


Listen on Spotify:

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