Monday, December 18, 2017

Brain Switch

The Brain Switch is a dual brainwave stimulation album designed to enhance your focus and creativity. It will stimulate your left brain hemisphere with 14 Hz Beta and 10 Hz Alpha Isochronic Tones and your right brain hemisphere with 7 Hz Theta and 10 Hz Alpha Isochronic Tones. For every minute you listen to the session, the frequency will change like this:

Left brain (right ear):  14 Hz, 10 Hz, 14 Hz, 10 Hz and so on...
Right brain (left ear):  7 HZ, 10 Hz,  7 Hz, 10 Hz and so on..

As you can see, every minute the frequencies of the left and right hemispheres will synchronize in the Alpha rhythm. This alternation of frequencies will help you keep your brain focused without losing your creativity.

Stereo headphones are required.


Listen on Apple Music

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