Friday, March 3, 2017

Pure Isochronic Brainwave Kit

The Pure Isochronic Brainwave Kit by Electric Dreams is a collection of pure Isochronic Tones with a particular frequency. Each frequency is related to one state of mind. There are no background msic, just the sound of the Isochronic tones pulsating.

The first four tracks are mainly used for deep relaxation. The fourth track are great for focused relaxation and balance. The last track are suited for build focus and concentration.

List of tracks and frequencies:

01 - Feeling Of Unity (3.5 Hz Theta)
02 - Learning And Memory (6.3 Hz Theta)
03 - Creativity And Invention (7.5 Hz Theta)
04 - Schumann Resonance (7.83 Hz Theta)
05 - Centering and Well Being (10 Hz Alpha)
06 - Awake And Alert (14 Hz Beta)


Listen on Spotify:

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