Tuesday, March 7, 2017

432 Hz

The 432 Hz album has one hour of relaxing ambient music tuned at 432 Hz embedded with Alpha brainwave pulses and the sound of the howling wind. A perfect tool to bring harmony and balance to our agitated daily life.

Alpha brainwaves represent a state of relaxed mental awareness. You are in this mental state early in the morning, when your mind and body are relaxed  or while daydreaming.

Why 432 Hz?

A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s "A" is an alternative tuning that is said to be mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. According to Brain to T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize to cosmic rhythm or natural vibration.


Listen on Spotify:

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