Thursday, March 9, 2017

Gratitude Words

The Gratitude album is designed to fill your brain with words of gratitude with soothing ambient music and Alpha brainwave stimulation.

Alpha brainwaves represent a state of relaxed mental awareness. You are in this mental state early in the morning, when your mind and body are relaxed  or while daydreaming. This state enhances the sharpness of visualization techniques, and also makes the mind more receptive to affirmations. Most people experience this state just after waking and right before sleep.

Alpha is the first brainwave pattern that can be reached during the meditation practice and is associated with increased creativity, improved the immune system and release of serotonin. When alpha waves are produced, we feel alert but relaxed.

The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness and even have stronger immune systems.

Rewire your brain with motivational words! We belive that words have the power to change our lives. Let your thoughts become things!

Brainwave protrocols:

1st track: 10 Hz Alpha
2nd track: 10 Hz Alpha
3rd track: 10 Hz Alpha

Words included:

1st track: abundance, acceptance, celebration, give, grateful, receive, share, thank you
2nd track: faith, generosity, gratitude, kind, love, praise, recognition, yes
3rd track: acknowledgement, amazing, beauty, bless, grace, happy, passion, sense


Listen on Spotify:

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