Friday, March 3, 2017

Music For Cats And Their Owners

The Music For Cats And Their Owners album is a collection of tracks with relaxing ambient music, nature sounds and sounds of cats designed to calm down your pet.

The firts track has a relaxing music embedded with Theta brainwave pulses and soothing rain. The second track has an uplifting synth music and is embedded with Theta brainwave pulses together with the sound of birds singing. The Third track has a warm music embedded with Alpha brainwave pulses and several cat sounds. Our animal's brainwaves frequencies are located primarily in the Theta range where heightened intuition and emotion dominate.

To keep cats calm during the hours when you are away, play this album over and over. Set the volume to low so you don't disturb neighbors or keep your cats from napping. Music and nature sounds sets the mood because it positively effects the brain and the cells of the body.


Listen on Spotify:

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