Monday, January 23, 2017

Tibetan Meditations

The Tibetan Meditations album was designed to help you relax, meditate, unleash and then harness the power of the subconscious mind with Alpha brainwave stimulation. It has a soft ambient music with ethnic mandolins and mysteriuos chords together with varios tibetan elements like wires, bells and cymbal sounds.

The Alpha state of mind is the doorway to access your subconscious mind. It represent a state of relaxed mental awareness. You are in this mental state early in the morning, when your mind and body are relaxed or while daydreaming. This state enhances the sharpness of visualization techniques, and also makes the mind more receptive to affirmations.

In a busy world where sleep doesn't always have the effect it is meant to, Alpha meditation is a powerful method to help you refresh yourself and bring positive changes, both in your body and your spirit.


Listen on Spotify:

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