Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Isochronic Gamma Tones

The Isochronic Gamma Tones album wass designed to help you get into the Gamma state with Isochronic Tones. There is no background music, just pure 40 Hz Isochronic Gamma Tones tunned at 180 Hz. This is a great tool for those who want to heighten their senses and feel that background music can be distracting for some people.

Gamma brainwaves are associated with problem solving and are involved in higher mental activity and consolidation of information. Gamma waves are also related to meditation and the heightened sense of consciousness, bliss and intellectual acuity. They are the fastest brainwaves frequencies and are associated to the language skills and better cognitive abilities.

 In a 2008 study of neuroscience at Rutgers University in Newark, children with higher language and cognitive abilities have correspondingly higher gamma power than those with poorer language and cognitive scores. In accordance with the research having strong bursts of gamma appears to assist the brain in making the neural connections needed for effective language development. Another interesting study has shown that advanced Tibetan meditators produce higher levels of gamma than non-meditators both before and during meditation retention.


Listen on Spotify:

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