Saturday, February 11, 2017

Winning & Confidence

The Winning & Confidence album was designed to fill your brain with words of confidence and motivation with soothing ambient music and Beta brainwave stimulation.

The Beta brainwave state is associated with a heightened state of alertness and focused concentration. So individuals in this state are awake and alert. This is generally the mental state most people are in during the day.

Rewire your brain with motivational words!

We belive that words have the power to change our lives. Let your thoughts become things!

Brainwave protrocol:

1st track: 12 Hz Beta
2nd track: 14 Hz Beta
3rd track: 12 Hz Beta

Words included:

1st track: can, capable, change, confidence, energy, perserverance, possible, power, strength
2nd track: able, assurance, believe, capable, faith, sure, trust, win
3rd track: celebration, discover, envision, expand, inspiration, learn, motivation, success


Listen on Spotify:

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