Monday, February 6, 2017

Create Peace

The Create Peace album was designed to fill your brain with words of peace and comfort with soothing ambient music and Theta brainwave stimulation.

Theta waves have been associated with states of enhanced creativity, learning, deeper relaxation, daydreaming, and sleep. Theta is also known as a highly suggestible state, where  affirmations and hypnosis are most effective.

Rewire your brain with positive words!

We belive that words have the power to change our lives. The right words spoken in the right way can bring us love and peace, while the wrong words can lead to a an undesireble results.

Let your thoughts become things!

Brainwave protrol:

1st track: 7.5 Hz Theta
2nd track: 5.8 Hz Theta
3rd track: 5.8 Hz Theta

Words included:

1st track: bliss, free, harmony, peace, quiet, relax, simple, sweet
2nd track: calm, comfort, meditation, pleasant, relief, rest, serenity, thankful
3rd track: bliss, acceptance, breathe, enlighten, faith, gratitude, joy, love, spirituality


Listen on Spotify:

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