Friday, February 3, 2017

Attract Love

The Attract Love album was designed to fill your brain with words of love, warmth and comfort with Alpha-Theta brainwave stimulation.

Theta waves have been associated with states of enhanced creativity, learning, deeper relaxation, daydreaming, and sleep. Theta is also known as a highly suggestible state, where  affirmations and hypnosis are most effective.

We belive that words have the power to change our lives.
Let your thoughts become things!

Brainwave frequencies:

1st track: 8 Hz Lower Alpha
2nd track: 6.15 Hz Theta
3rd track: 6 Hz Theta

Words included:

1st track: care, comfort, friendly, love, safe, share, special, warmth
2nd track: compassion, ecstasy, empathy, give, heart, kind, spontaneous, surprise
3rd track: adventurous, companion, forgiveness, fun, kiss, romance, smile, sweet, understand


Listen on Spotify:

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