Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Event Horizon - Gamma Meditation Program II

This album was Inspired by the Event Horizon concept - the point of no returen at which the gravitational pull becomes so great as to make escape impossible, even for light. It has 45 minutes of two tracks interpolated to create a multi layered ambience. It also has several space sound effects like interference signals, woosh sounds and radio frequencies. The album is embedded with 40 Hz Gamma Harmonic Box X Tones (A entrainment method that incorporates both monaural and binaural beats, in a harmonic formation).

Gamma brainwaves are associated with increased cognitive enhancement, freedom drom distractibility, high levels of info-processing, focus, learning and boosted short-term memory ability. Experiments on Tibetan Buddhist monks have shown a correlation between transcendental mental states and gamma waves.

The Event Horizon Gamma Meditation Program is a tool for advanced meditation, enhanced focus and awakened insight and inspiration. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process may result in enhanced physical and emotional well-being.

Stereo headphones are required.


Listen on Spotify:

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