Thursday, November 23, 2017

Clairvoyance: White Noise Vision

The Clairvoyance - White Noise Vision album is an Alpha stimulation album inspied by the third eye concept. It was designed to be a tool for relaxation, meditation, self-exploration and sound masking. There are no background music, just pure brown noise with Alpha Isochronic Tones and tibetan singing bowls sounds.

The third eye is a spiritual concept that refers to a person being able to achieve perception beyond ordinary sight. It is the gateway to the inner realms and states of higher consciousness.

Alpha brainwaves represent a state of relaxed mental awareness. You are in this mental state early in the morning, when your mind and body are relaxed or while daydreaming. This state enhances the sharpness of visualization techniques, and also makes the mind more receptive to affirmations. Most people experience this state just after waking and right before sleep.


Listen on Spotify:

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