Thursday, November 30, 2017


The Ascension is a 30 minute album designed to help you deeply relax and meditate with soothing ambient music, Theta - Gamma brainwave stimulation and vibraphone sounds. It start with Theta stimulation to help you slow down your brainwaves, go up to Alpha brainwaves to help you remain relaxed but focuded and end with Gamma brainwaves to boost your awareness and keep you energized.

Brainwave Protocol:

Start with 7.83 Hz Theta and stay for 8 minutes
Ramp up to 10 Hz Alpha during 2 minutes
Stay at 10 Hz Alpha during 8 minutes
Ramp up to 40 Hz Gamma during 2 minutes
Stay at 40 Hz Gamma during 8 minutes until the end of the session.


Listen on Spotify:

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